Friday, June 15, 2007

mid month dividend

Greeting all,

All of you probably know but to much dividend was gived end of June, so no dividend will be issue today, next dividend will be issued at the end of June.


Saturday, June 02, 2007

SHMEC Financial report May 07

First I want to thank all of you for the support and the trust you gave us in the last year. Yes last month we celebrate a year of hard work. Also I want to thank all SHMEC members who work hard and stay happy.

This month our NAV increased by 1,680,092,254.39 Isk, that's mean a monthly dividend of 840,046,127.20 Isk. Not bad an all for a small corp like us.

SMECH ASSET ( after dividend)

Wallet : 843,293,351.06 Isk

Shares: 183,815,000 Isk

Buy order: 742,444,104.04 Isk

Sell order: 373,713,785.65 Isk

Inventory: 722,210,856.00 Isk

Ship: 3,105,340,000 Isk

Mineral in stock: 1,306,493,257.25 Isk

POS( including fuel) : 978,069,769.00 Isk

BPO : 329,540,140 Isk

Corp NAV : 8,684,420,263 Isk

NAV per share: 434,221 Isk

The buy back option is always avalaible at 650,000 Isk per share until the NAV per share exceed that value, at that point the buy back will be at NAV per share value. Please contact me in game if yo wish to sell back your shares.
